
BTS Series: A world series featuring a $180,000 prize pool

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The BTS Series is a recently announced competiton consisting of 18 tournaments featuring $180,000 worth of prize money, hosting the tournament will be BeyondTheSummit.

Disclaimer: The information has been deleted for unknown reasons, hence, the information in this article might not be fully accurate.

The BTS Series's eighteen tournaments will be hosted throughout 2015 and 2016; these eighteen tournaments will be split into three regions - SEA, Europe and America. According to the post by BTS on Reddit, one of the tournament's goals is to "provide a competitive platform for up and coming teams to develop talent and synergy through a series of shorter online events".

Teams can take part in the tournament via two ways, qualifying through the open qualifier or receiving an invite from the organizers.

The first BTS Series tournament will be held in the SEA region and will start on the 29th of August with an open qualifier, following the open qualifiers, the winning teams will get to compete with top SEA teams such as FnaticMineski and MVP.hot6ix for a $10,000 prize pool. More information regarding the tournament and future tournaments will be released "in the coming weeks".

Based on the information released in the Reddit post, a core part of the motivation for BTS to announce the BTS series is the over whelming success of BTS Americas, a similar tournament to what has been announced. "BTS Americas was a huge success. We had over 3 million unique viewers over the two weeks of games".

Banner image by BTS, Headline image by Southern Cross Dota

Source: Reddit and GosuGamers.

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