
Summit 4: qualifiers are over, the teams are set

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The Summit 4  will take place in Los Angeles, USA on December 9-13. Eight teams will battle it out for a prize pool of $100,000 plus crowdfunding totaling $110,200+ as of writing. Evil Geniuses got a direct invite. Six teams qualified and one team will get the famous redemption vote, to be chosen by the fans. The Open Qualifiers ran from September 26th till November 7th. Here is the breakdown by region.

The EU qualifiers has Team Liquid breaking through the winners bracket and OG (former Monkey Business) making it through the lower bracket. Team Secret had to drop out of the tournament due to scheduling conflicts, resulting in a forfeit of their games and spot.

The SEA qualifier ended in a close game with Mineski coming out on top of Fnatic, after being previously defeated, but coming back from the lower bracket.

The Americas qualifiers had Digital Chaos take a decisive victory with 3:0 vs ROOT Gaming.

The China qualifiers had Vici Gaming coming from the top bracket after taking a 3:0 against EHOME, who didn’t give up and after a prolonged back and forth took 3:2 against LGD securing their spot in the tournament.

Last year’s redemption vote was won by Invictus Gaming who promised to dress up with maid outfits for it and delivered. We will see what teams will promise this year to secure that coveted spot.


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