
Invictus Gaming’s spot for Frankfurt Major taken by NewBee.Young

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As NewBee.Young are the official replacement for Invictus Gaming at the Fall Major, the Chinese organization will attend the event with both of their squads.

A couple of days ago it was announced that Invictus Gaming will not be able to participate at the first DotA 2 Major Championship because of Super’s passport issues. Their withdrawal from the event had nothing to do with the endless visa problems for the Chinese teams and it was only on Su 'Super' Peng’s end, who apparently failed to finish his passport papers in time.

IG did not receive a direct invite for the upcoming Major and they secured their spot in Frankfurt via regional qualifiers, where they finished on the second position, after NewBee. Next in line wereNewBee.Young who finished the qualifiers on third position.

Set to start in less than one week, the Frankfurt Major will kick off on November 13th with online group stages to determine the upper/lower bracket seeds for the main event. On 16th of November the Festhalle Messe will open the gates for the live audience who will have free access until the grand finals day, on 21 of November.

Sources: thefrankfurtmajor.com, GosuGamers.

Headline image source: ooqiu.com

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