
NiP makes major management changes

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The Ninjas in Pyjamas have revealed that among other changes, CEO Per Lilliefelth has been removed from his position.

In a shocking press release, the Sweden-based Ninjas in Pyjamas have revealed that they will be radically restructuring their corporate management team after recent criticism towards the organization, including claims that NiP owes their CS:GO roster thousands of dollars in prize money and salaries. Most notably, Per Lilliefelth, Chief Executive Officer of Ninjas in Pyjamas Gaming AB, will step down from his position. While they search for a replacement, Patric Jönsson will serve as the interim CEO.

NiP had the following to say about the changes:

“In August this year we began undergoing significant organizational changes to adjust to the growing and professionalizing scene. Different stages of the industry growth cycle requires different people in order to be positioned for further growth and to be successful. The last month has been a challenging time for our company with negative publicity related to different events, some of the criticism being justified and parts of it being totally incorrect. Per Lilliefelth has been leading NIP through the rapid growth and has been one of the people bringing us to where we are today. During this period Per has encountered a lot of criticism and accusations, the last month has been extraordinary in this matter. Some of the criticism and accusations pointed towards him are true but far from all of them. As CEO of a company Per is the individual ultimately responsible for the business, and since he is a pragmatic person he accept responsibility for the mistakes that have been made. As a result of the recent challenging period we have decided to execute the changes earlier than initially planned."

The owners of Ninjas in Pyjamas recognized the organizational changes as necessary. It is time to bring in new people with more suitable properties, skills and experience to lead Ninjas in Pyjamas in the future. The business and industry has changed, it is time to take it to the next level.

As a result of the changes Per Lilliefelth will part ways with Ninjas in Pyjamas and leave his position as CEO with immediate action. We thank Per for his work during his time at Ninjas in Pyjamas Gaming AB. Patric Jönsson has been appointed as the interim CEO for Ninjas in Pyjamas Gaming AB starting as of today. Patric has long experience leading several companies across different sectors, most notably he has been the CEO of Xtrfy since inception and is also the CEO of Trigono AB, a large IT and Gaming distributor based in Sweden. We welcome Patric on board and we are excited about the experience he brings to our brand and company.”

SourcesNiP, GosuGamers.

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