
ChuaN: «We will take one step at a time»

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So Chuan, how are you feeling after the groupstage?

Obviously I'm not very satisfied because our result in the groupstage was not that good.

Prior to this interview, I talked to several people and they said that iG is actually performing well in training but in tournament instead, you guys underperformed. What is the reason for that?

Our team is not very stable and we had to play against the team that we fear the most (Secret). It is not very good because we are not a very stable team and we need to create some tempo at the start so we can go further. So, playing Secret and LGD in the groupstage is not very good for us.

Do you think any other teams underperformed in the groupstage?

I think Vici Gaming. I didn't expect Vici Gaming and us to place so badly in the groupstage.

Tell us more about the game against C9 where you lost to them without a single kill. How did it affect the morale of the team?

Every team that gets beaten like that will sure to have their morale affected but as long as we are able to adjust it back, then it is okay. Our adjustment so far is good and we will see how we perform in the main event.

In any case, you guys are currently in the lower bracket and will be facing MVP.HOT6 in the first round. The first round is a very dangerous place because it is best-of-one. You guys are the favourites obviously but assuming that you lose in the first round, then its over. Are you feeling nervous over that?

I think I will be very sad because we formed this team to compete in The International. Playing at the level we are playing, I feel sorry for ourselves, our family, our fans who have supported us so far, iG's owner, iG's sponsors and all the staff.

Are you confident going into the match against MVP.HOT6?

Of course! I feel very confident no matter who we face right now.

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