
Top 5 carries going to the International

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The International 5 is soon approaching, let’s take a look at the best carry players who’ll be attending the biggest eSports event in history.

5. Jacky 'EternalEnvy' Mao


3rd MarsTV DotA 2 League5th-6th The Summit 3 5th-6th DotA2 Asian Champsionships

Jacky 'EternalEnvy' Mao is a polarizing personality, he is loved by some for his crazy farm and carry potential, attitude, work ethic and so on. He is also hated by a good portion of the DotA community and is a jerk according to them but EE-Sama is still one of the best carries in the world.

When the meta game was focused on farming, Cloud9 was built around EternalEnvy and he shined. They fought as four, leaving Jacky to farm and carry them late into the game. Since the meta has shifted and the teams are playing more fast paced DotA, Jacky has faded away a bit.

Even after falling down a tiny amount, his statistics are as good as anyone on this list; a KDA of 3.7, GPM of 551 and XPM of 533. Statistics are not the only measure though, he is the leader of this Cloud9 squad and has been one of the reasons for their recent success. Although he stood down form the drafter role, he controls in game decisions to some extent.

EE-Sama’s signature hero is Terrorblade but since Icefrog hates the hero and TB is irrelevant but Jacky still does well with his wide hero pool. His best hero is undoubtedly Tiny coupled with n0tail’s Wisp; a win rate of 76%, KDA of 4.4, GPM of 630 and XPM of 591. Other impressive heroes include Phantom Lancer, Gyrocopter, Naga Siren and Queen of Pain.

EternalEnvy and Cloud9 are still looking for a major title, their last victory was…..never. Second and Thirds places are a plenty though, their chances of winning TI are low but let’s see what they can accomplish. 

Most Impressive Statistic: GPM: 547 XPM: 559 Hero Damage: 14903 

You can read more at GosuGamers.

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