
Version 6.85b goes live in client: Doom gets reigned in

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After the announcement that 6.85b would be implemented after the conclusion of the Nanyang Championships, the version is now ready to be downloaded in the client with the changes taking effect immediately. There were minimal changes made in this patch, as only 2 heroes are affected.


- Scepter Doom no longer increases damage

Scorched Earth damage and heal reduced from 12/24/36/48 to 12/23/34/45

- Scorched Earth cooldown rescaled from 60/55/50/45 to 55


- Spiderlings Poison Sting slow reduced from 12% to 8%Ever since the introduction of patch 6.85, Doom has seen a resurgence in the meta game and in how much play he has seen in comeptitive games. The heal from his Scorched Earth ability made him pretty much untouchable in the offlane and made him very sustainable with position 1 farm too. Correspondingly, he has seen a dramatic rise in his win rate, being picked or banned 84% of the time while maintaining a solid 62% win rate over those games. 

The change to Doom's ability is probably a good thing in terms of balance to the game, as the healing in particular was pretty outrageous. The only other hero to be touched at all in this mini-patch is Broodmother. She is a situational pick, but when she is picked at the right time she can take control of huge chunks of the map and the game singlehandedly. However, in 6.85 she has had a 58% pick or ban rate and only a 46% win rate across the matches she has played. 

For comparison, Shadow Fiend has a combined pick and ban rate of 78% across 6.85 with a win rate of 53%. These stats are certainly lower then Doom's, but they are considerably higher then Broodmother's. For a hero that is a very specific situational pick, Broodmother seems to have been treated quite harshly compared to SF (a hero that is often first pick or ban material) and others.

Some of the other notable heroes worth considering are:


58% pick or ban 

60% win rate


69% pick/ban

57% win rate

Winter Wyvern

74% pick/ban5

1% win rateArguably some (or all) of these heroes are only successful in the right hands. Puppey plays one of the best Dazzle's in the world and Team Secret actually have a 75% win rate with the hero. However, it is worth thinking about other heroes that have considerably better stats than Brood, if she is the one that has been picked to get nerfed.

All stats from datdota.com.  


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