
compLexity bids farewell to wayto and MJW

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Peter “wayto” Nguyen and Michael “MJW” Nguyen have parted ways with compLexity Gaming. The organization’s Dota 2 squad will try out potential replacements in the following weeks.

After coming in a commendable 11th place at The International 5, compLexity Gaming suffered roster changes and announced their finalized lineup just in time to meet the registration deadline for the first Dota 2 Major, bidding welcome to Peter “wayto” Nguyen and Michael “MJW” Nguyen, on September 2nd.

Following a rather lackluster start to the season and their failure to qualify for the Frankfurt Major, the team is currently undergoing further roster changes.

Kyle “swindlemelonzz” Freedman took to Twitter to announce the departure of Peter “wayto” Nguyen and Michael “MJW”Nguyen.

According to Kyle “swindlemelonzz” Freedman’s tweet, the squad will try out potential replacements in the following weeks.

CompLexity Gaming have not issued an official statement.

compLexity Gaming current roster:

  • Mexico Luis “Zyzzy” Perez
  • United States Kyle “swindlemelonzz” Freedman
  • United States Zakari “freek” Freedman


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