
Fnatic qualifies for the Fall Major

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First region to end the qualifier rounds for the upcoming Frankfurt Major is South East Asia with Mineski and Fnatic being the two teams to join the eight directly invited teams.

Coming from the group stage s with a perfect 12 points, Fnatic continued their incredible winning streak by defeating Signature.Trust in the first playoffs series. Once they reached the second round, Fnatic facedMineski who have accomplished what no other team was able to and took the series with a 2-1 score, postponing Fnatic’s fate for this Major.

The do or die series between Fnatic and Team 123 started with a Medusa pick for Dominik 'Black^' Reitmeier and the snowball terror of Djardel 'chrissy-Dj' Mampusti's Tusk. Even though Fnatic were in serious trouble once the game hit the mid stage they managed to protect Black as much as possible and turned the game around on the back of hectic teamfight in their own jungle.

With one victory away from qualifying to the first DotA 2 Major Championship, Fnatic started game two with a carry Alchemist and an offlane Clockwerk for Dj while Mushi kept on playing mid Lina. The Alchemist pick brought to Team 123 only problems as Black^ outfarmed 123’s Specter carry badly and forced the issue really early.

Perfect coordination between Ohaiyo (Shadow Demon) and Dj enabled Fnatic to have one of their easiest high ground sieges and thus qualify for the Frankfurt Major Championship.

The first DotA 2Major will kick off this November in Frankfurt, Germany and over the course of six days we’ll have 16 teams competing for a total prize pool of $3,000,000 at the Festhalle Messewould -'Great Dome'.


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