
Moonduck Studios introducing Elimination Mode

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The newly formed Moonduck Studios will make their entrance on the tournaments circuit with Elimination Mode, a brand new game mode inspired by Captains Draft.

Designed to break the monotony and the serious tone of the professional competitions, Elimination Mode tournament will kick off in a few days, on September 17th, with a $10,000 prize pool.

Elimination Mode format is not a completely new idea and in fact it was posted on reddit and originates from Destiny (a first person shooter video game). Brought to DotA 2, Elimination mode basically means that each hero who got banned or picked in a game series will not be available for the next matches.

Monduck Studios event will feature a single elimination bo3 bracket with a Bo5 final and that means we are going to witness some crazy and completely unorthodox drafts. In a hypothetical scenario where all the game series would be played, the last matchup from the best-of-five final will be left with an exactly ten hero pool to choose from.

The tournament will feature a divided bracket between North America and Europe in order to reduce potential server conflicts, but also to guarantee an NA versus EU Grand Final.

The confirmed six participants:

“Six of the teams are completely confirmed for the event; however, due to scheduling conflicts with MLG a more creative solution was chosen: The teams to be eliminated first from the MLG event on September 15th and 16th will be placed into the lower half of the EU bracket.”

Prize pool distribution:

  • 1st: $6,000
  • 2nd: $2,000
  • 3rd/4th: $1,000

The tournament will begin on Thursday, September 17th at 18.00 CEST right after the debut of moonduck.tv's podcast series ‘What the Duck’ at 16.00 CEST. The entire event will be covered by Moonduck Studios on their twitch.tv channel.

source: Moonduck Studios, GosuGamers

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