
Red Bull Gaming Ground Tournament featuring Merlini vs SingSing All Star Match begins

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ESL and Red Bull Gaming Ground presents the Merlini vs SingSing All Star event today and tomorrow in Cologne, Germany. The amateur event will feature two teams competing for paid trips to ESL One New York. The teams will receive special 1:1 coaching by pro players at the ESL Studios and also a special All Star series between SingSing and Merlini. The event will be hosted by Soe and casted by The Capitalist an Blitz.

Two amateur teams will spend a weekend at the ESL studios Cologne participating in an exciting and exclusive event. The teams will receive 1:1 coaching during the event. Audience members and fans will benefit from the interactive Live Stream, asking questions and actively participating in the series of teaching and coaching segments. Dota 2 personalities and players such as Soe “Soe” Gschwind-Penski, Austin “Capitalist” Walsh, WehSing “SingSing” Yuen, Ben “Merlini” Wu, Kevin“Purge” Godec, Troels “syndereN” Nielsen Niklas “Wagamama” Högström, Kai “H4nn1″ Hanbückers, Gareth “durka”Bateson, William “Blitz” Lee, and Shane “Shaneomad” Clarke, among others will be present at the event.

Fans in the community also have the opportunity to win a signed Haste Rune Bottle signed by both Merlini and SingSing All Stars by tweeting your best Dota 2 tip with #gamingground.

Dota 2 Red Bull Gaming Ground rune

Red Bull Gaming Ground All Star Teams

The SingSing Allstars

  • WehSing “SingSing” Yuen
  • Niklas “Wagamama” Högström
  • Kai “Hann1″ Hanbueckers
  • Shane “Shane” Clarke
  • Kevin “Purge” Godec

The Merlini Allstars

  • Ben “Merlini” Li-Yen Wu
  • Troels “SyndereN” Nielsen
  • Jacob “Maelk” Toft-Andersen
  • Jimmy “DeMoN” Ho
  • Gareth “Durka” Bateson

Red Bull Gaming Ground Schedule

Saturday program

  • 13:00 CEST- Welcome to the show by Soe
  • 13:30 CEST – Opener Match: Merlini Allstars vs. SingSing Allstars
  • 15:00 CEST – Dota 2 basics (shop, draft, map (sites) …)
  • 16:30 CEST – Improve your performance: German Sport University Cologne (workshop one)
  • 17:00 CEST – How to play Midlane (heroes, positioning, items, …)
  • 17:30 CEST – How to play Jungle (heroes, positioning, items, …)
  • 18:30 CEST – Live Audience, Rules, Handicaps, Interaction
  • 19:00 CEST – ESL ONE New York match one – Amateurs
  • 20:00 CEST – Showmatch – Merlini Allstars vs. SingSing Allstars with a special twist
  • Post Match – Winner interviews, analysis and good bye

Sunday program

  • 13:00 CEST – Welcome to the show
  • 13:15 CEST – How to play Offlane (heroes, positioning, items, …)
  • 16:00 CEST – Improve your performance: German Sport University Cologne (workshop two)
  • 16:30 CEST – How to play: Secure Lane (heroes, how to play, positioning, items, …)
  • 17:30 CEST – How to manage the perfect teamplay
  • 18:00 CEST – Live Audience, Rules, Handicaps, Interaction
  • 19:00 CEST – ESL ONE New York match two – Amateurs
  • 21:00 CEST – Showmatch – Merlini Allstars and SingSing Allstars vs. the community
  • Post Match – Winner interviews, analysis and good bye

Live Stream

Live broadcast in English starting at 13:00 CEST


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