
Vanskor and Alwayswannafly to CIS Rejects

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A new CIS team has registered on the list for the upcoming Major featuring well known players from the region like Gorec, Vanskor and Alwayswannafly.

It seems that shortly after Vanskor announced via his twitter that he is a free agent looking for a CIS or International team, a new CIS all stars line-up emerged at the end of the shuffle period.

The new team is a mix of Russian and Ukrainian experienced players who do have a lot of tournaments under their belt. CIS Rejects also invited Vasylenko 'Iceberg' Bohdan into the roster. Iceberg might not be so well-known for the masses although he’s been around for a while, recently playing on the mid position for the Russian squad aSpera.

CIS Rejects roster:

ALWAYSWANNAFLY was one of the constant and reliable players at Team Empire, having played for them for almost two years. A week ago it was announced that he and yoky have left the team to pursue new opportunities but there was no information about Andrey 'ALWAYSWANNAFLY' Bondarenko decision to leave as well.

While Vanskor used to be a frequent stand in for Na’Vi, up until a few days ago while he was also a member of 4Clovers & Lepricorn, Gorec and ARTES used to play for Power Rangers. 


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