
Secret, Fnatic and VP invited at Nanyang Championships

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Nanyang Championships unveiled three of the confirmed participating teams: Team SecretFnatic and Virtus.Pro. The other three directly invited ones are expected to be announced very soon.

A few weeks ago KeyTV a Shanghai-based e-Sports organization has announced a new tournament to take place in Singapore from October 26th to 1st of November.

Ten teams from across the world will compete at Nanyang DOTA2 Championships for a $200,000 starting prize pool. Six teams will be direct invited to the tournament while the remaining four slots will be filled by the winning teams from each regional qualifier. It is still to be announced the exact format and schedule for the qualifiers round.

However, the six days main event will feature a round robin group stage and a double elimination playoff as follows:

Oct. 26-27Two groups (five teams each)  round robin two games series.

Oct. 28-29Double elimination playoff.  Winner's bracket will be Bo3 and consist of the top two from each group. Loser's bracket will be Bo1 for two rounds, then Bo3: bracket will consist of 3rd and 4th place teams from each group.

Nov.1stBo5 grand finals, no winner's advantage

Invited Teams

Prize pool distribution:

  • 1st. $100,000 + 48% crowdfunded amount|
  • 2nd. $50,000 + 24% crowdfunded amount
  • 3rd. $25,000 + 12% crowdfunded amount
  • 4th. $10,000 + 8% crowdfunded amount
  • 5-6. $7,500 + 4% crowdfunded amount


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