
Report: Burning not wanted by Vici Gaming

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Only a few days are left until the roster changes will be locked out by Valve and it appears that Vici Gaming and Burning are having problems coming to an agreement.

A close source of Gosugamers just reported to us that Vici Gaming does not want to take Xu 'BurNIng' Zhilei to be their new carry at the upcoming Major. In fact, according to the same source, VG prefers to play with Yang 'Zyf/YJ' Pu.

While we are still with no official announcement from any of the players involved, nor the teams, Zyf/YJ already signed up on the Majors registration list as a substitute for Vici Gaming.

The only valid information regarding Burning’s decision to leave Invictus Gaming for Vici Gaming is ROtk’s statement made a week ago: 

“I went back to Shanghai with a shocking news that Burning went to VG[…]I called Burning immediately and he said because he heard I decided to go Newbee with HAO and MU, he was angry and accepted VG's offer without consideration.” Keep in mind that this is a post made by rOtk when he officially announced that he left EHOME for LGD.

Meanwhile, the TI5 carry of Vici Gaming, Zhi Hao 'Hao' Chen  is reported to rejoin Newbee.


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