
Report: bOne7 plans to revive Kaipi

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After Cloud 9 decided to drop their entire squad, four out of their five players already found a new home. bOne7 is the last one to make an official announcement regarding his Dota 2 future.

In a recent and rather emotional interview for dotablast the ex offlane player of Cloud 9, Armand 'bOne7' Pittner talked about his future plans that are including a completely unexpected attempt to revive the Kaipi Dota 2 team name.

Kaipi was initially formed in 2012 by Johan 'pieliedie' Åström,Yongmin 'Febby' Kim and Rani 'BABARRR' Al Hajj. A couple of months later after its creation, the team aquired  bOne7 and EternalEnVy and Weh Sing 'SingSing' Yuen. With this setup, Kaipi started to grow and shine really fast and went through several rebrandings to finally become the first Cloud 9 Dota 2 squad.

According to bOne 7, the other four names expected to now play under the Kaipi banner are Asuna, Bufni, Beesa, and kikoni.

Palievici 'Bufni' Alexandru is a Romanian Dota 2 player who used to play as a reliable stand in for Balkan Bears especially at IesF qualifiers while Kiril 'Kikoni' Minkov is a Bulgarian known for playing in the playdota inhouse league.

Beesa is a UK based pubstar who got noticed by EternalEnVy. When the leader boards system came online he was one of the first to climb to 7k mmr while most of the pros were having troubles to surpass the 6.5k bar. EnVy’s words about Beesa when he was asked on ask.fm why didn’t he create a team with him were: “Beesa plays my role and I don't consider him amazing just really good.”

In his interview for dotablast, asked about his new lineup and about their future plans bOne7 stated the followings:

“They might not be well known players, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a great potential. I chose them because I’ve known them for a long time, they are highly intelligent players and, most importantly, I enjoy playing with them [...] With the new team, my goal is not to start winning tournaments right away. That wouldn’t be realistic. I want a good team. For me, that means a team in which I can play a lot, improve as much as I can and enjoy myself while doing so.”

Kaipi roster:

  • Beesa
  • Kiril 'Kikoni' Minkov
  • Armand 'bOne7' Pittner
  • Palievici 'Bufni'  Alexandru
  • Asuna

Source: Dotablast, GosuGamers

image: bOne7 Facebook

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