
ESL One NY SEA qualifiers: Fnatic to debut with new roster

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The ESL One NY SEA qualifiers are starting on the 1st of September among the notable matches is the debut of the newly reformed Fnatic roster.

The SEA qualifiers for ESL One NY will be taking place from the 1st to 6th of September. The two open qualifiers winners and the ten invited SEA teams will be battling it out in a best-of-three single elimination bracket, the winner of the best-of-five grand finals will book their tickets to the ESL One LAN finals in New York; the LAN finals will be taking place on the 3rd and 4th of October.

Tier one invite list (start in quarter finals):

Tier two invite list (start in first round):

In terms of watching new rosters play, the SEA qualifier is not very exciting, however, if it were in terms of watching for the next big SEA team, this qualifiers becomes very interesting. The SEA region has been hit with very little roster changes, with only Fnatic and MVP.Phoenix going through major roster changes. With the lack of roster changes, the SEA teams which did not make TI5 would have had ample time to train.

Some teams to look out for:

Before TI5, there were quite a few teams who were putting up relatively strong performances, constantly defeating tier two SEA teams and sometimes taking games off tier one SEA teams. These are some of the lesser known teams to look out for:

Underminer, one of the two open qualifier winners, is a regularly underestimated opponent. Despite being a relatively unknown team outside of Malaysia, they have placed highly in a few SEA qualifiers and tournaments prior to TI5, a few of their achievements include third in the ESL Frankfurt SEA qualifiers and placed second in the Corsair Gaming Arena #5.

TNC is a team who made waves prior to TI5, with multiple good results. This year, they have won the Corsair Gaming Arena #2 and #3, taking down Rave and Team MY, the two SEA giants at that time, in the finals. In The International 5 SEA qualifiers, they made it to the top four but was then eliminated by Rave in a close 2-1 series.


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