
Digital Chaos - A new eSports organisation ft. Aui_2000

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A new eSports organization named Digital Chaos has been founded by Shannon 'SUNSfan' Scotten. Along with the news of this organization is the announcement of Kurtis 'Aui_2000' Ling's new team.

Rumors regarding the exact lineup of a new North American team has been confirmed. This new North American team will be playing under the name of Digital Chaos, an eSports organization that was founded a few hours ago. The announcement on the lineup of Digital Chaos came together with a post introducing Digital Chaos.

Digital Chaos's Dota2 squad brings together an interesting mix of players, mixing two new players with three vetern NA players. The new players consist of Dat Quoc 'Biryu' Ham, a well known and talented Vietnamese support player from NA inhouses, and Suma1L's older brother, Yawar 'YawaR' Hassan, a player who was said to have been nearly picked up by EG post-DAC. As for the experienced players, they consist of the TI5 champion Kurtis 'Aui_2000' Ling, seasoned offlaner Kanishka 'BuLba' Sosale, and acclaimed carry Tyler 'TC' Cook; all of the experienced players have at least three years of competitive Dota experience and have taken part in multiple international LANs. Managing the team will be Nikki 'Sajedene' Elise.

Digital Chaos's lineup: (In order of position, position one is at the top)

  • Tyler 'TC' Cook
  • Yawar 'YawaR' Hassan
  • Kanishka 'BuLba' Sosale
  • Kurtis ' Aui_2000' Ling
  • Dat Quoc 'Biryu' Ha
  • Nikki 'Sajedene' Elise (manager)

Digital Chaos is an eSports organization that was founded by Shannon 'SUNSfan' Scotten just hours ago. According to their website, Digital Chaos are currently sponsored by VPN provider, PIA and 100TB.

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