
ESL One NY open qualifiers revealed new teams for 7ckngMad and Goblak

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European open qualifiers for ESL One New York finished Sunday, August 23, with the ex London Conspiracy Greek squad renamed as Golden Boys, Goblak’s new team and Abraxas advancing into the main qualifiers.

Returning to the Madison Square this fall on the 3rd and 4th of this coming October, ESL One New York is the first major tournament to take place after The International 5. The open qualifiers revealed a few new line ups and the most important one would be Monkey Freedom Fighters, a team that features 7ckngMad and SingSing along with Sockshka / Paris, YapzOr and Ar1sE. Despite having so many familiar faces on the roster, Monkey Freedom Fighters were defeated and eliminated in round 16.

Although Alliance did not make any official announcement regarding their captain leaving the team, Sebastien '7ckngMad' Debs’s presence with a new squad at these qualifiers clearly indicates that he is no longer part of the Swedish based organization.

Artur 'Goblak' Kostenko sign up for these qualifiers with newteam123123, a squad that features Sedoy and NoFear.

For SEA region there were over 300 teams who competed for the four available spots into the ESL One NY main qualifiers. Two teams form Malaysia, Soundblaster BackTick and Team Underminer along withTeam B from the Philippines and Kingdom from Singapore made it to the main qualifiers.


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