
Day 3 schedule: Will the Secret to victory be burnt?

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After a series of upsets in day two, day three features the final CIS team and the TI5 favorite, Secret, fighting for their tournaments lives.

Will our compendium predictions be wrong? Will this be another year of Chinese domination? Will the last CIS team get eliminated? These are the questions that will be answered after tomorrow's round of games;Secret and Virtus.Pro are on the brink of elimination and EHOME winning against EG would mean an all Chinese winner bracket finals.

CIS Dota2 fans will be the first to receive an answer for their questions about whether a CIS team will place well in TI5; Virtus.Pro will be facing up against CompLexity Gaming in the first series of the day, the loser goes home.

The next game after Virtus.Pro vs Complexity is Invictus Gaming vs Team Secret, arguably the most anticipated match of the day. For Secret, a team who are heavily favored to win TI5, it is a matter of proving to the viewers that the Chinese teams are not unbeatable in this tournament - following their humiliating 2-0 loss to EHOME and the fact that five out of the six participating Chinese teams have not been eliminated. As for IG, it is a matter of pride. IG are a team who has the legendary carry player Xu 'BurNIng' Zhi Lei and have invested in a coach solely for TI5 training, hence, getting eliminated this early in the tournament with those conditions would be embarrassing for them.


19:30 CEST Virtus.Pro vs CompLexity Gaming

22:30 CEST Invictus Gaming vs Team Secret

As for the winner bracket games, LGD will be playing CDEC and EHOME will be playing Evil Geniuses; needless to say, the stakes are not as high as in the loser's bracket. However for these teams, winning their matchup would mean that they are only a best-of-three and a best-of-five away from the grand prize of $6,480,000.


01:00 CEST LGD vs CDEC

03:30 CEST EHOME vs Evil Geniuses


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