
LGD secures first 3 points, Fnatic ties Team Secret

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Cloud 9 vs LGD Gaming

The debut match for Envy’s team at The International 5 can be described as a classical Cloud 9 game, who’s major weakness seems to be the inability to capitalize on their huge advantage.

For the first game of the series Cloud 9 surprised their opponents with a very uncommon last pick in this patch, Batrider for bone7 and they decided to run dual lanes, placing their most powerful combo (Flaming Lasso into Tombstone) in the safe lane while Envy on his Razor was supported in the offlnae by MiseRy on Lion.

The laning phase and even the mid to late game went in favor of Cloud 9 who was in a very good controlling position, having all the advantages possible. An entire LGD team wipe allowed C9 to take their first set of barracks 40 minutes into the game but they decided to over-extend their high ground push and as a result they end up feeding LGD’s Gyrocopter (Sylar) and MMY’s Ember Spirit who got a huge gold swing in their favor.


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