
Visa Rejected for LGD and CDEC for the Frankfurt Major in the first attempt

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LGD and CDEC are the latest victims of the visa issues as they fail to attain the visa for the Fall Majors in the first attempt.

According to a tweet by Team Secret’s manager Matthew ‘Cyborgmatt’ Bailey, members of LGD and CDEC Gaming have failed to secure their visas to the fall major in the first attempt with less than a week until the group stages start.

This is not the first time the players have been victims to visa issues and complications. This has been an ongoing problem for a very long time which has made many players and teams miss out on tournaments. These visa issues are predominantly centered around the CIS countries and China.

Earlier this year Natus Vincere’s Akbar 'SoNNeikO' Buatev had great difficulties in procuring the US visa after being rejected several times for The International 5. Later, with the help of Valve and Senator Maria Cantwell, he was able to get the Visa.

Since LGD and CDEC are direct invitees, it would be a big blow to the majors if they were unable to procure their visas. All that can be done at the moment is hope Valve can pull some strings and get them their visa’s to the fall major.

Stay tuned for later updates.


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