
Frankfurt Major prize distribution revealed

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The Frankfurt Major has a fixed $3,000,000 prize pool. The distribution of the prize was finally revealed, indicating that all sixteen teams will be receiving a piece of the prize pool with first place being awarded $1,110,000 and 13-16th place receiving $30,000.

The $3,000,000 prize pool distribution has been revealed to include prizes for all participating teams.

Unlike with The Internationals, the prize pool for the Frankfurt Major is a fixed prize pool and does not receive any boosting due to compendium, ticket or item sales.

Frankfurt Major Prize pool distribution

    • 1st place $1,110,000 (37%)
    • 2nd place $405,000 (13.5%)
    • 3rd place $315,000 (10.5%)
    • 4th place $255,000 (8.5%)
    • 5th-6th place $202,500 (6.75%)
    • 7th-8th place $105,000 (3.5%)
    • 9th-12th place $45,000 (1.5%)
    • 13th-16th place $30,000 (1%)

Frankfurt Major participating teams

Frankfurt Major schedule participating teams

*Invictus Gaming have been forced to withdraw due to visa issues. Their replacement has not been identified.

Frankfurt Major tickets

    • Attendance to the Frankfurt Major will be open to the public and will not require a ticket for any day except for the day of the finals.
    • The finals will take place on Saturday, November 21st.
    • Tickets can be purchased from Eventbrite, for €50 each.

The Frankfurt Major will feature $3 million in prize money

The first Dota Major will be held in Frankfurt, Germany, at the Festhalle Messe – a multi-purpose hall with an area of 6,000 square meters, which can accommodate up to 13,500 visitors. Sixteen teams will be competing total prize-pool of $3,000,000 and ESL Gaming will be in charge of production.

Unlike The International prize-pool, the Frankfurt Major prize fund is fixed at $3,000,000 even though Valve has released theFall Season 2015 Compendium. The purchases will not contribute to the Frankfurt Major prize purse.

Over the last five years, The International has become the pinnacle moment for the world of professional Dota. Now, the excitement of the biggest event in esports is coming to the Majors, a series of seasonal marquee tournaments, which will take place throughout the year and around the globe. Dota’s newest tradition begins this fall with the Frankfurt Major.

Valve originally announced the implementation of the Majors system at the end of April 2015. The concept is believed to be a proper solution to some significant problems in tournament quality and control that had been voiced in recent times.


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