
Dota Pit Season 4 announced with LAN finals

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Dota Pit is expanding, the official announcement of the fourth season is confirming the LAN finals to be held in March 2016 in Split, Croatia.

The next season of G2A.COM Dota Pit League  will kick off on November 26th this year with its online qualifier stages while the group stage will start on 1st of December and will run until February 28th 2016. The LAN finals will take place at the Spaldaium Arena in Split, Croatia 19th to 20th March 2016.

Spaladium Arena is a bright new venue built to meet all the requirements and dimensions of the International Olympic Committee guidelines and it has a capacity of 10,000 seats.

With a starting prize pool of $100,000 that can be increased by It can be increased by ticket sales and chest sales from DotA 2 store for Phantom Assassin, Anti-Mage, Rubick and Timbersaw, Dota Pit Season 4 has already started the open qualifiers registration for America and Europe.

Dota Pit League Season 4 - Registration for American Open QualifiersDota Pit League Season 4 - Registration for European Open Qualifiers

With all dates set and less than a month until its start, Dota Pit#4 early bird tickets for live audience can be already purchased here.

$15: Standard Pass: 2 days access$21: Pit Pass: 2 days access, floor seats and a secret gift$216: VIP Ticket: 2 days acces that includes Parking fee, VIP Skybox seats, food and drink, DotaPit goodie bag and VIP after party access.

You can stay tuned with the latest updates regarding the fourth season of Dota Pit on their facebook page.

source: dotapit.com, GosuGamers.

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