
Malaysian government endorses e-sports gaming festival

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The world of e-sports has grown rapidly in the past years, and things don’t seem to be slowing down as the Ministry of Communication and Media in Malaysia backs a national gaming festival to promote e-sports.

Malaysia is the first nation to host a gaming festival, the Malaysia Cyber Games, which is an event for the youth of the nation to gather and battle it out against fellow gamers. The primary aim of the festival is to help and develop the gaming talent, and the winners will be financially supported by the government to continue their gaming careers and represent the country under the Team Taring banner, and participating in all Dota 2 competitions.

E-sports has really kicked off recently, and more nations are gaining recognition of how big it has become. Not too long ago we saw how Sweden recognised this, and let certain high schools add e-sports as a subject for students, where they were able to practice and learn games such as Dota and Counter-Strike. As the days and months go by we can see how the world is changing its opinion on playing computer games, as more people are respecting e-sports rather than frowning upon it.

The Malaysian Cyber Games festival is a prime example of how seriously countries are respecting the world of e-sports, and it shows the magnitude of growth that has happened. The event for Dota will have two online qualifiers before the main even on the 12th– 13th December 2015 taking place in the Malawati Stadium in Shah Alam. The first of the two will be for players of the Sabah & Sarawak regions and will be held on the 14th-15th November, and the other will be for the Peninsular Malaysia region which will be held on 28th-29th of November. Both will feature group stages and double elimination playoffs. More information can be found here.

Source: malaysiacybergames, GosuGamers.

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