
Digital Chaos, Fnatic and Alliance withdraw from The Game Show Global eSports Cup Season 1

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Fnatic, Digital Chaos and Alliance have all recently withdrawn from The Game Show Global eSports Cup Season 1 group stages for various reasons. The Game Show Global eSports Cup Season 1 group stages are already underway, with some of the best teams in the world as competitors.

According to the organizers, Digital Chaos were forced to withdraw from the event due to scheduling conflicts and have been replaced with the South American team TShow.

Fnatic had to pull out as well, due to similar reasons, since the Game Show dates were conflicting with their bootcamp for the upcoming Frankfurt Major.

Alliance had to withdraw because of “private matters within the team”.

Further replacements will be announced at a later date.

The Game Show Global eSports Cup Season 1 is currently in the group stages for the EU, SEA and NA regions. Following the group stages, the tournament will move into its Regional Qualifiers phase. Two teams from CIS, EU, China and one team from SEA and NA will advance to the studio playoffs held between November 30 – December 3 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Only four teams will then advance into the final stage of the competition, the Grand Finals which will run within DreamHack Moscow. The event is scheduled to take place between December 5-6.


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