
Nanyang Championships Talents Announced and Cloud9 Replaced

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The biggest LAN Event in South East Asia, the Nanyang Championships, has released the information regarding the talents that will be involved in the said event. It will be hosted by the one and only KotLGuy.

Nearing the biggest LAN event to grace the SEA region, the Nanyong Championships list of talents is announced.

It is announced that KeyTV will be hosting the biggest Dota 2 LAN tournament taking place in Singapore. Two days after the announcement, they further released information regarding the prize pool reaching a whopping $200,000. In addition to that, 25% of in-game ticket sales will be added to the base prize pool making it the largest prize pool for South East Asia.

The six invited teams will be joined by the winners of the regional qualifiers that took place last September. Along with the announcement of the casting panel, it was also announced that Cloud9, the US qualifier winners, will be replaced by Digital Chaos, the runner-up of the qualifiers, and there is no specific reason that came with the announcement as to why they were replaced.

They received invites to attend the LAN finals held in Singapore at the Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre. This event will last for a week starting from the 26th of October and lasting until the 1st of November.

Nanyang Championships Talents:


  • David "LD" Gorman
  • David "Godz" Parker
  • Owen "ODPixel" Davies
  • Ben "Merlini" Wu


  • “WinteR” Chan Littbinn
  • Jorien "Sheever" Van Der Hejiden
  • David "Luminous" Zhang


  • Vitalii "v1lat" Volochai
  • Viktor "GodHunt" Volkov
  • Roman "CaspeRRR" Lepokhin


  • Dakota "KotLGuy" Cox

The talents sure will deliver hype to the tournament considering that they are all familiar faces and are considered by others to be very talented in terms of delivery and showmanship. This will also feature the return of Luminous after his departure from BeyondTheSummit. He will return to the scene but not as the caster we saw him to be but as one of the panelist.

With days to go and the event drawing closer, the teams invited are practicing and the talents of the event are preparing for the biggest LAN event in the South East Asia. The tournament will surely boost the competetive stage of the region, acting as a landmark in its history and to further help the development of Dota 2.

Source: BTSNanyang.gg, GosuGamers.

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