
Dreamhack Moscow to host Global eSports Cup # 1 LAN finals this December

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Game Show together with DreamHack have just announced that the Grand Final of Global eSports Cup Season 1 that features a $330.000 prize pool will be held on the 5th and 6th of December at DreamHack Moscow.

The four participating teams at the LAN finals in Moscow will be determined via Studio LAN Finals scheduled from 30th November to 3rd December in Vilnius, Lithuania. Eight teams will reach the Vilnius Studio LAN stage and only four will advance for the DreamHack Grand Finals.

 For the grand finals of Game Show Global eSports Cup Season 1 the organizers are ensuring full accommodation and travel support for all the attending teams and are aiming to become the first tournament that will fulfill all Team Union's requirements.

  • Travel support being excluded from the prizepool
  • Organizers are covering travel and accommodation for 6 people (Players+Manager/Coach)
  • Organizers are paying up-front for the hotel and flights
  • Organizers are ensuring transfer from and to airport
  • Organizers are ensuring transfer from and to hotel


On the venues there will be provided the best conditions for the players, starting with comfortable chairs, private player lounges, food and drinks, to closed-doors areas within the hotels and the venues where players can practice or play in other tournaments.

For the studio LAN Final in Vilnius, all the teams will be staying at the well-known five stars hotel Radisson Blu Royal Astorija Hotel as for the DreamHack LAN finals teams will be accommodated at Holiday Inn Moscow Suschevsky.

Starting with the second group stage of Regional qualifiers for the Global eSports Cup Season 1 a couple of directly invited team will join the ones that already managed to pass the first group stages. A couple of teams have already confirmed their participation from which six are Chinese representatives:

Confirmed teams from China:

Other confirmed teams:

-update- Two more teams have confirmed during the evening their participation at Global eSports Cup Season 1


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