
Mineski qualifies for Frankfurt Majors, upsets Fnatic

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Mineski has pulled off a large upset in the SEA Frankfurt Major qualifiers, defeating Fnatic in the winner bracket finals and earning their ticket to the Frankfurt Major.

Mineski has knocked Fnatic to the losers bracket in the playoffs of the Frankfurt Major's SEA qualifiers after a 2-1 victory. This victory means that Mineski are the first SEA team to qualify for the Frankfurt Major. Team123 will be playing Fnatic in the loser bracket finals to decide the second SEA representative at the Frankfurt Majors.

Game one:

Game one was a disaster for Fnatic. Chai 'Mushi' Yee Fung was solo killed by Mineski's mid, Carlo 'kuKU' Palad on his Windrunner, for first blood and Fnatic gave up kills on the other two lanes. Using the lead, Mineski killed multiple heroes on Fnatic and allowed their Spectre to free farm. Just as the hope of a comeback fades, Fnatic's Winter Wyren, played by Khoo 'Ohaiyo' Chong Xin, managed to steal Mineski's Aegis and Roshan kill. However, the lead does not last long as Mineski won a teamfight, killing four on Fnatic and losing none. The game progressed and Spectre free farming, completing his heart and overwhelmed Fnatic.

Game two:

Game two - Fnatic played safe with a Wisp-Tiny and Mineski goes a slightly more aggressive lineup with a Phantom Lancer. Despite having started off with little momentum, Wisp-Tiny managed to secure a few kills with help from their team and after Batrider hit level 6, he continuously ganked Mineski. Being at a networth deficit, Mineski tried to gank Fnatic but failed due to lack of items and over committing; the trend of getting ganked continued until Mineski tried to push the mid tier one. Mineski failed the push and lost three and their mid tier three. In order to change the tides of battle, Mineski goes for a desperation Rosh, gets scouted and loses four to the farmed Tiny on Fnatic. Mineski conceded after their failure to Rosh.

Game three:

Game three features Ohaiyo on his world renowned Nature's Prophet on Fnatic and a Drow Ranger pick without a combo from Mineski. The game started with Fnatic countering the Bounty Hunter by buying about six sentries, however, Bounty Hunter was still able to put some pressure on the map, managing to snipe Fnatic's mid courier carrying SF's boots and bottle. Transitioning into the mid game with a pretty good start, Mineski was able to win teamfights with track and created a large gold lead; with the gold lead, Mineski destoryed Fnatic in 21 minutes - Mineski goes to Frankfurt.

Headline picture from Mineski's Facebook (Three of the five players in the headline picture are on Mineski's current roster)


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