
Frankfurt Dota Major Chinese Qualifiers standings: Newbee and Wings advance; three-way tie in Group A

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The second day of the Frankfurt Dota Major Chinese qualifiers has come to an end. Newbee and Wings Gaming will move ahead to the playoffs from Group B. In Group A, Invictus Gaming, Newbee.Young and DK.Scuderia will play a three-way tiebreaker to determine which two of the three teams will continue their journey in the next round of the qualifiers. The tiebreaker games will start at 04:00 CEST, on October 13th, followed by the double elimination playoffs, at 09:00 CEST.

Newbee topping their group was not much of a surprise, especially after some of the incredible games showcased by Hao, Mu and the new team member, Meng “Xiao2le” Lei. Wings Gaming took the second spot in Group B.

Group A ended up a lot more balanced than expected. Invictus Gaming finished the first day of the group stage in the first place, only to find themselves tied with Newbee.Young and DK.Scuderia, at the end of the second day. The two newer teams have shown a lot of potential and talent during the event.

Frankfurt Dota Major Chinese Qualifiers standings, day 2

Frankfurt Dota Major standings China

Frankfurt Dota Major Chinese Qualifiers standings, day 2, Group A

Ferrari 403 Invictus Gaming IG Dota 2

    • FTD.A 0:2 NewBee.Y – In the first game, the laning phase and early game were very even between the two teams, but a flawless Juggernaut and a highly farmed Queen of Pain led Newbee.Young to victory. The team was able to take the second game just as easily.
    • Invictus Gaming 2:0 Fantuan – It took IG almost 70 minutes to claim the first game in the series, but it only took them half an hour to end the second one, as their Tiny-Io combo, Lina, Broodmother and Ember Spirit were a force to be reckoned with.
    • IG 0:2 DK.S – DK.S managed to upset Invictus Gaming in both games. A flawless Invoker and a fantastic Juggernaut pushed the team through to victory in 45 minutes. The second game featured two very well farmed heroes, Lifestealer and Shadow Fiend, which quickly became too much for IG to handle properly.
    • Fantuan 1:1 FTD.A – The first game went in the way of Fantuan after almost an hour of play. The game went back and forth and remained fairly even before Fantuan managed to grab the advantage in the late game and take the victory. The second game started out in Fantuan’s favor, but FTD.A’s the Queen of Pain and Clinkz quickly began to destroy all opponents in their path. The game ended with a 42:17 score.
Frankfurt Dota Major Chinese Qualifiers standings, day 2, Group B

Dota 2 Newbee

    • NewBee 2:0 FTD.B – The first game of the series was over in less than 25 minutes, with NewBee coming out on top in a very convincing manner. The second game lasted for twice that long, however Newbee secured the victory with ease, yet again.
    • Wings 2:0 TongFu – Wings Gaming were able to sweep through TongFu, 2:0. In the first game, Spirit Breaker and Disruptor had a difficult time being effective at all and made it easy for Wings to maintain control. A flawless game for Ember Spirit and Queen of Pain helped to move Wings towards their second win.
    • TongFu 1:1 NewBee – TongFu took the first game, but NewBee managed to secure the second win with ease, ending the game in 25 minutes, with a score of 17:6.
    • CDEC.Y 1:1 Wings – Wings Gaming took the first match with a flawless game on Ember Spirit. The game was back and forth for the first 35 minutes and then Wings seized a chance and pushed ahead. What started off relatively even turned quickly into a stomp for Wings, as CDEC.Youth ended the second game in only 23 minutes, with four heroes topping the networth chart and a flawless game on Gyrocopter.
    • NewBee 2:0 CDEC.Y – Newbee crushed CDEC.Y in less than 25 minutes in the first game, with a score of 21:12. Newbee took the top three spots in networth, led by Chen “Hao” Zhihao’s Gyrocopter, Meng “Xiao2le” Lei’s Doom and Zhang “Mu” Pan’s Puck. While CDEC.Y had the slight advantage in the laning phase of the second game, it would be once again a flawless game from Xiao2le on Nightstalker and great performances by Mu and Hao to lead Newbee to victory, in 34 minutes.
    • FTD.B 2:0 TongFu – FTD.B took both games of the series on the back of fantastic games on Ember Spirit and Slark.


Frankfurt Dota Major Chinese Qualifiers brackets

Frankfurt Major Chinese brackets


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