
Starladder and ImbaTV unite to host a joint eSports league

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Starladder and ImbaTV announce partnership, bringing new eSports league ‘’SL i-League StarSeries’’ to the Dota 2, CS:GO and Hearthstone scenes.

After accumulating many years of expertise in broadcasting and video production, organising events such as ’’SLTV Starseries’’ and ‘’i-League’’,  Starladder, one of the largest Dota 2 tournament organisers and ImbaTV, a prominent Chinese video production organisation have come together and announced the creation of a new tournament called ‘’SL i-League StarSeries’’. The event’s Grand Final is scheduled to be held in January 2016 in Minsk, Belarus at the ‘’Minsk-Arena’’ stadium, where an aggregate prize pool of $550,000 will be split between three disciplines.

SL i-League Starseries will cover three competitive games: Dota 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Hearthstone. The Dota 2 tournament will have regional divisions, namely - Europe, CIS, China, America and Southeast Asia. Twelve teams will qualify for the Grand Final and will butt heads for a chunk of the $300,000 prize pool. CS:GO will offer a $200,000 prize pool that will be distributed between the top 8 teams that qualify for the finals. As for Hearthstone, two divisions have been announced. One for teams from Europe, CIS and the Americas, the other exclusively reserved for the professional Chinese players. $50,000 will be distributed between the 8 finalists of the event. Additionally, the organisers will be covering travel expenses for the teams and players who qualify for the Grand Finals of all three games.

SL i-League Starladder will be broadcast in three languages: English, Russian and Chinses. There will also be a selection of community streams that will be offered in Danish, Bulgarian, German, French, Polish, Finnish, Indian, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian and Hungarian languages. The joint effort will indefinitely increase the global exposure of eSports and introduce a new and exciting experience for gamers all over the globe.


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