
Brasil Game Show bracket and schedule released

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Starting today, October 9th, the largest gaming fair from South America, Brasil Game Show opens its doors to the public. The third edition of the DotA 2 tournament hosted by BGS will also start today with eight invited teams.

Held at Expo Center Norte in Sao Paulo from 9 to 12 October, Brasil Game Show presents to the public some of the largest companies in the gaming industry and gives the opportunity for the audience to test games that have not yet been released on the market.

In addition, BGS will also host from 9 to 12 October a Dota2 tournament dedicated to South American teams featuring eight invited squads and a $15,000 prize pool. The tournament will have a double bracket format with the winner bracket semi-final and the lower bracket final being a BO3 and the final being a BO5 with one game advantage for the winner's bracket team.

The entire tournament will be covered by NoMad TV and Hefla TV in Spanish, English and Russian languages.

NoMad TV BGS streams:

Hefla TV streams:


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