
WCA European qualifiers: Secret and Virtus.Pro are victorious

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The WCA European qualifiers has ended with Secret and Virtus.Pro taking the top two places and securing themselves an invite to the WCA LAN finals.

After debuting their roster for the season in the WCA European qualifiers, Virtus.Pro and Team Secretwalks home with an invite to the WCA 2015 LAN event in China as well as the first place prize of $45,000 and second place prize of $22,500. The third and fourth place teams are NiP and Alliance, walking home with a $15,000 and $3000 respectively.

Looking at the results of this bracket, it seems that Secret have maintained their dominant form, managing to 2-0 most of their opponents in the bracket, and Alliance are still struggling to maintain a good performance, winning a game against Secret but losing a series 2-0 against relatively weaker team NiP.

As for Virtus.Pro, they have been able to keep their performance constant, being able to win against teams they won against in the past but failing to beat the teams they have not been able to in the past; VP won against NiP 2-0 but lost in the finals 2-0 against Secret. VP have a win-loss of 5-3 against NiP in official games from the past year.

Headline and banner image from W33's Facebook.


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