
Cloud 9 winners of BTS Americas # 2

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The second iteration of BTS Americas ended with Cloud 9 emerging victorious over Team Image (ex Leviathan ) in a tense grand finals in which all the five games were played.

Coming in this tournament as the Nanyang US qualifier winner, the newly formed Cloud 9 had to face two American teams that were more than eager to take their revenge.

In the second round of the bracket, Cloud 9 played against the defending champions of the BTS Americas,ROOT Gaming who were hoping to repeat the spectacular performance from the previous season. Just before The International 5 to start, ROOT Gaming managed to take down the NA Wild Card competitors, Team Archon. This time Cloud 9 ended their road at BTS Americas#2 early in the competition and once they got into the third round they had another big challenge up front as Fire was waiting for them there.

Starting the current season with a completely new roster, Fire looks really strong having Jio 'jeyo' Madayang, Brian 'fluffnstuff' Lee and Bryant 'WhiteBeard' Lehwald among among the main line-up, while Whilliam 'BlitZ' Leeis there for them as a substitute player to jump in when needed.

This well balanced line-up of experienced players along with two new comers into the Pro scene is what propelled Fire ahead into the ESL One New York US grand finals at the regional qualifier which they actually won.

So, basically the third round of BTS Americas was disputed between the Nanyang US qualifiers winner and the ESL One NY qualifiers victor. The confrontation was easily won by Cloud 9 who advanced to the BTS Americas#2 grand finals.

Once they got into the finals without dropping a single game, Cloud 9 faced a surprisingly well preparedTeam Image (ex Leviathan) who put a hell of a fight in the final act of BTS Amercias#2.

Facing a potential decisive game five at the beginning of the fourth match of the grand finals series, Cloud 9 brought up the hard artillery, drafting a full teamfight oriented line-up that did not lack ganking potential .With Gyrocopter, Lina, Night Stalker, Earthsaker and the master Silencer on their side to prep the fight as they chose, Cloud 9 took home the second title of BTS Americas and a share of the $10,000 prize pool cash money.


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