
ESL One NY NA qualifiers: Cloud9 eliminated by Digital Chaos

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Four teams remain in the NA qualifiers for the upcoming ESL One NY, Cloud 9 is not amoung them.

The teams in the ESL One NY NA qualifiers are one best-of-three and one best-of-five away from receiving their invite to the ESL One NY LAN event to be held on the 3rd and 4th of October at the Madison Square Garden Theater in New York.

The remaining teams have been more or less expected, with the teams the veteran NA players are playing on making it this far in the bracket. The only exception is Cloud9 who were eliminated by Digital Chaos in the second round, a surprising result considering that Cloud9 managed to defeat all their competition without dropping a game in the Nanyang Championships NA qualifiers; among their competition was Digital Chaos which they defeat 2-0 in the bracket and 3-0 in the grand finals.

The matches that will be occurring in coming days will probably give some food for thought to the fans of the NA scene. The round three matches will show how the various teams in the NA scene was coping with their rosters after the shuffle; teams such as FireDota  seem to have managed to stabilized their performance since the Nanyang Championships (NC) after they went 0-2 against paiN Gaming in the NC but managed to defeat Root Gaming, the team that eliminated paiN from the NC, 2-0 in this qualifier.


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