
Nanyang Championships: Chinese qualifiers start tomorrow

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Tomorrow will herald one of the most anticipated qualifiers of the Nanyang Championships, the Chinese qualifiers, featuring teams like VG.P and HGT.

The Chinese qualifiers of the Nanyang Championships will kick off tomorrow with a two groups best-of-one round robin between ten teams. From the round robins, four teams will advance to a double elimination bracket - the top two of each group will be seeded in the winner's bracket and face up against four directly seeded teams; the winner of the best-of-five grand finals will receive an invite to the LAN finals in Singapore.

There are quite a few well known teams in the Chinese qualifiers and will offer a good insight as to how the Chinese teams who did not make it to TI5 are doing, it will also offer insight on the new lineups ofIGEHOME and Newbee. Among the teams that should be closely watched are Vici Gaming.Potential andTongfu.

VG.P has recently changed their roster, adding a Chinese Carry player and renowned SEA support player Joel 'Xtinct' Chan, how much these two players will impact this team is unknown but considering what the two players have to offer the team and the team's stellar performance before the player's addition, it is possible that the team will be able to pull quite a few upsets in this tournament.

Tongfu did not make it to TI5, but, in the Huomao Mid Summer League and Douyu Cup that took place during TI5, they managed to place first. Given the amount of time for training since then, Tongfu might be able to stand toe to toe with the Chinese giants such IG and EHOME.


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