
5Jungs win Alienware Area 51 #2

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5Jungs beat Golden Boys 2-0 to secure the Alienware Area 51 #2 title and a prize of $5,000. 

The second edition of Alienware Area 51 Cup came to an end earlier tonight and 5Jungs, the new stack featuring Kuroky and FATA finished first after they beat Golden Boys (ex-London Conspiracy) two games to zero. This tournament featured some of Europe's finest teams; EmpireVegaNiP and 4CL.

5Jungs had to beat Vega and 4CL on their way to the finals. This team is bound to be a top team in Europe considering their star studded lineup.  GB on the other hand, weren't expected to do much beat Team Empire 2-0 and NiP 2-1 to secure themselves a spot in the finals. This squad has looked promising in the past but have never had much success at big LANs, it'll be intersting to see what the future holds for them.

Prize pool distribution:

  • 1st: 5Jungs $4,500 
  • 2nd: Golden Boys $2,500
  • 3rd-4th: 4CL and NiP $1,500


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