
North America gets ready to duke it out for the ESL One NY Qualifiers

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With Fnatic qualifying after an intense encounter with MVP Phoenix which brought them almost the brink of defeat, and Vega Squadron bouncing back after sticking with their roster post-TI5, it is time for the North American region to battle it out for their chance at the over 250,000 dollar prize pool. Who will be joining direct invite Evil Geniuses to represent North America in New York?  

The second round of qualifiers begins on September 12th with teams FireDotaTeam Archon*compLexity Gaming and the newly minted Digital Chaos already in the second round. Many are optimistic for Digital Chaos with International 5 Champion Kurtis 'Aui_2000' Ling and veterans Sam 'Bulba' Sosale and Tyler 'TC' Cook taking the lead. While the favorites to win the whole qualifiers will most likely be compLexity Gaming following a top twelve finish at The International and only two roster changes since then.

Eight other teams will fight through the first round, including the newly reformed Cloud 9 G2A*. The team was just announced on September 1st and has yet to prove themselves on the scene. Theeban '1437 / I love you forever' Siva and co will have to prepare well for paiN-Gaming to get a chance at the equally new team Digital Chaos in the second round. While lesser-known teams such as Union Gaming and Boreal Esports might provide an interesting series of upsets.



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