
Alienware Summer’s End to be hosted this weekend by BTS

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After the grand Gaming Paradise fiasco BTS ad Curse have join their forces to come up with Alienware Summer’s End Cup to fill up the void left after the Dota 2 tournament cancelation for this weekend.

Following the success of the Alienware Area 51 Dota 2 Cup where the Ninjas in Pyjamas took the final victory, Curse and Beyond the Summit are the organizers for the second edition of the Alienware Cup series with the Alienware Summer’s End Cup.

This weekend September 11 to 13 eight teams will compete for a share of $10,000 prize pool in cash.

Invited Teams:

The tournament features a compact single elimination bracket. The quarter finals are scheduled for Friday and Saturday while Sunday the semi finals and grand finals will be played.

Prize pool distribution:

  • 1st: $4,500
  • 2nd: $2,500
  • 3rd: $1,500
  • 4th: 1,500

All the games will be covered by Beyond the Summit on their twitch.tv channel.


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