
Fnatic wins BTS Series SEA Cup #1

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The new multi-national Fnatic line up just won their first tournament and a $5000 cash prize as they are the champions of the first BTS Series cup.

After winning ESL One NY SEA qualifiers, today’s result represents Fnatic’s second grand victory in less than a week and gives a big warning to the rest of the new formed and reformed squads.

Without dropping one single game throughout the entire tournament, Fnatic had a spectacular run setting a very high bar for the SEA region. At the same time, a new Filipino star has started to shine namely Dj/chrissy. Coming to Fnatic from Rave, Djardel 'Dj/chrissy' Mampusti swapped roles with Ohaiyo who gave up the offlane to his new team mate and joined Net on the supporting duties.

It seems that the move was beneficial as chrissy already impressed with his Tusk, Clockwerk or Earthshaker and he is one of the main factors in Fnatic’s great success so far.

In fact, the last match of the BTS Series first cup was won on the back of chrissy’s incredible early blink dagger on Earthshaker and his excellent usage of it. Him alone managed to change the course of the game and set up a tremendous pressure on First Departure which gave Black^ the much needed time and space to recover from a bad start and the series with a clear 3-0 score.

First Departure had an amazing showing at this tournament but Fnatic dominated them copiously as they seem to have hit their stride with this new robust lineup which promises to challenge the top teams at the upcoming major tournaments as ESL One New York where they managed to qualify for the main event.

Final Standings


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