
Fnatic reveals new roster: Black^, Net and Chrissy join Mushi and Ohaiyo

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The rumors regarding Dominik 'Black^' Reitmeier joining Fnatic turned real as the organization made an official announcement about their reformed DotA squad.

The new Fnatic line up consists of three Malaysian players, one form Philippines and one from Europe. Ten days after three players were dropped from the roster Fnatic rebuild their team with the addition of Wai Pern 'Net'Lim, Djardel Jicko  'Chrissy/DJ' Mampusti and Dominik 'Black^' Reitmeier.

While Net is a close friend of Mushi and Ohayio, having played with them before at Titan and at Team Malaysia,  Chrissy/DJ (ex Rave) is a well known figure in the South East Asia scene, for Balck^ it will be his first experience in SEA.  After he got the chance to be playing for European, Chinese and recently for North American organizations now he can say he saw them all as he signs with Fnatic, who’s gaming house is located in Malaysia.

Dominik 'Black^'Reitmeier statement:

“ I'm very happy to be part of Fnatic, I've heard many good things about the organisation and I hope that we can have a long lasting and successful partnership. This is also my first time playing in south east asia, so I'm really looking forward to seeing which way this journey will go! Mushi and Ohayo have been good friends of mine for a long time, so that made the decision a lot easier when they approached me and asked to join the team. FIGHTING!!!!”

Chai 'Mushi' Yee Fung statement:

“After much discussion with Ohaiyo, we are glad to be able to secure Net, Chrissy and Black to our team. I feel extremely lucky because under Fnatic’s sponsorship, we are able to play with players outside of Malaysia. The players we have now are all high in experience and I am very confident with our new roster. Hopefully we will be able to put on a good show for everyone.”

Fnatic roster:


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