
Heen rejoins MVP.Phoenix

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Lee “Heen” Seung Gon has transferred from MVP.Hot6ix to MVP.Phoenix, officially rejoining their roster. His transfer leaves Hot6ix down to three players with Jesse “JerAx” Vainikka returning to Finland, and brings Phoenix to an official count of four members.

The announcement is one of several more expected from the organization as there have already been changes including both of their Dota 2 squads.

Three days ago Park “March” Tae-won and Kim “QO” Seon-yeob were confirmed to be staying in MVP.Phoenix through the first Major. March’s confirmation was a bit of a surprise to many considering he was expected to retire after TI5 and fulfill his military obligations.

Last week Wong “NutZ” Jeng Yih announced that he was leaving MVP.Phoenix and South Korea and returning to his home country, Singapore.

There has been no official status update or announcement regarding the Australian team member, Damien “kphoenii” Chok yet.

The registration on the team’s official roster for Valve’s new requirements list only the four players so far.


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