
Team Empire waves farewell to yoky and Alwayswannafly

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Team Empire have officially announced the departure of their offlaner yoky and one of the supports, ALWAYSWANNAFLY and welcomed a new rising star to their roster.

Both players who just left Team Empire were considered some of their strongest and constant ones but it seems that Maxim 'yoky' Kim wanted to play a different role in the team and the Russian organization can’t fulfill his desire. According to Empire’s manager, StrangeR, they “gave him a chance to try a new team in the role he prefers".

Although the rumors are saying that yoky will be joining Na’Vi, replacing Funn1k, this makes little to no sense considering he wants to play in a different role.

The replacement for yoky will be Ivan 'ubah' Kapustin, a young Russian pubstar who became noticed playing in Andrey 'Dread' Golubev’s friends stack. He also won several games in FaceIT Pro League and made a name for himself.

According to StrageR, ubah “deserved a place in the top-level team long ago. Now he has a great chance to show himself.”

There is no information about Andrey 'ALWAYSWANNAFLY' Bondarenko decision to leave the team, nor about who will be replacing him. All that the team manager said on this topic was that they will announce the fifth player by the end of this month and that “it may be unexpected.”

Team Empire current roster:


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