
Mushi sticks with Fnatic

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Chai 'Mushi' Yee Fung is determined to stick with Fnatic brand to reform the team for the upcoming Major tournament.

Chai 'Mushi' Yee Fung announced earlier today via his Facebook account that he will remain with Fnatic. In his post he also mentions that Fnatic's new Dota 2 gaming house will be located in Malaysia.

According to Firdaus 'MasterRamen' Hashim, owner of e-Sukan (An eSports/ Dota2 news site) and an influential figure in the Malaysian Dota2 scene, Fnatic has already kicked three of their players.

The same MasterRamen source is stating thatand Chong Xin 'Ohaiyo' Khoo will stay along his long time teammate and friend, Mushi but an official announcement is still to be made.

Mushi’s journey with the team that got a direct invite at The International 5 started in October 2014 when he formed with his ex Orange colleagues, Team Malaysia. They performed very well in the SEA Region without having any sponsor and after they qualified to several LAN events they got picked up by Fnatic.

Fnatic’s performance at The International was not as good as their fans hoped for, finishing 2nd to last in group A which sent them in a lower bracket BO1 Main Event match. In the lower bracket Fnatic lost to Virtus.Pro and finished in the 16th place.


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