
Zyori parts ways with Beyond the Summit

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Andrew ' Zyori' Campbel has officially announced that he will part ways with Beyond the Summit by the end of this week to fulfill new projects in his life.

In his announcement blog Zyori mentioned he is leaving BTS in good terms and future collaborations with the studio are still possible. He did not say what are his new plans but one thing is certain; he will remain in the DotA 2 scene and he has new projects on the horizon that cannot be revealed yet.

“We are parting on good terms, but I see my future in other projects that are not yet ready to be announced”.

Regarding his decision to leave the studio that kickstarted his casting career Zyori said: 

“It’s been an exciting ride but sometimes change is for the better. For the last few months I’ve been wondering if BTS is the right place for me long term, and it has become clear that the answer is no. There will be a lot of changes in the Dota 2 space as the majors system gets implemented; as such, it seems like a good time for me to pursue some of my own endeavors.”

Zyori worked for Beyond the Summit for almost two years and he became one of the strongest personalities of the American studio after casting LAN events as Starladder X, Major all Strars and DAC. His last achievement with the studio was the attendance at TI5 to cast the group stages. He also conducted interviews and created video content at the event for his YouTube channel.

Today, August 17 at 23:00 CEST/14:00 PDT Zyori will do a special podcast with David 'LD' Gorman to talk about his experience at Beyond the Summit.

Few hours ago David 'LD' Gorman announced via twitter that Winter and KotLguy will be fully joining Beyond the Summit.


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