
TI5 schedule, format, brackets, broadcast, prize pool, teams

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Four teams have been eliminated on the first day of The International 5, two more will be eliminated on day two, who will they be?

Only twelve of the original sixteen teams remain in The International 5, and by the end of day two, only ten will be left. Tomorrow, the remaining teams in the first round of the upper bracket and two second round lower bracket match-ups will played out. The teams fighting for their survival tomorrow will be Cloud9, Empire, MVP.Phoenix and TI4 second placers, Vici Gaming.

Kicking the day off will be a clash of the North Americans as CompLexity Gaming and Evil Geniuses will play each other in a best-of-three in round one of the upper bracket. The loser of this match up will play against Virtus.Pro in round two of the lower bracket. Following the clash of the NA teams will be EHOMEvs Secret; the loser of this match-up with face up against IG in the lower brackets.


19:00 CEST - Evil Geniuses vs CompLexity Gaming

22:00 CEST - Team Secret vs EHOME

The next part of day two will consist of the second round lower bracket matches, namely Empire vs MVP.Phoenix and Cloud9 vs Vici Gaming. The first best-of-three to be played out will be between MVP.Phoenix and Empire; these two teams will be striving to improve their results from last year's TI - a TI which saw both teams place very poorly.

The fourth and final best-of-three of the day will be between Cloud9 and VG; a highly favored team to finish top eight versus the TI4 second place finishers, despite high hopes for both teams, only one of them will proceed.


00:30 CEST - Empire vs MVP.Phoenix

03:00 CEST - Vici Gaming vs Cloud9


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