
Nanyang Championships groups and full schedule released

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The ten participating teams at the biggest LAN event from South East Asia, Nanyang Championships have been placed into groups and the full schedule of the event is now known.

Starting next week, on 26th of October, Nanyang Championship will take place over the course of one week at the Suntec City Convention Centre in Singapore.

This will mark the LAN debut for the new EHOME roster. Not being able to attent at ESL One New York, as the Chinese qualifier rounds winner, they’ve been replaced with Invictus Gaming at that time. The Visa troubles followed them in Malaysia as well, Hu 'Kaka' Liangzhi getting rejected his Visa on October 16th but with the help from Nanyang committee, EHOME are in the clear since the beginning of this week, Tuesday, October 20th and are now ready to fly to Singapore.

Unfortunately Cloud 9 were forced to withdraw from Nanyang Championsips as Theeban '1437' Siva failed to renew his passport in time and they were replaced with Digital Chaos.

First two days of the event are entirely dedicated to group stages where the five teams from each group will be playing in a two game series format. First two teams from each group will advance into the winner bracket, third and fourth placements will be seeded in the loser bracket while the last team from each group gets eliminated from the tournament.

The scoring points for group stages are as follows:

  • Win: 3 points
  • Tie: 1 point
  • Lose: 0 points

Once the brackets are known, the double elimination playoffs stage will start, on October 28th. First two rounds from loser bracket are best-of-one games, all other matches will be best-of-three, with a best-of-five Grand Final.  


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