
CIS Rejects roster changes: VANSKOR and ARTES walk away, replacements to be announced “soon”

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Ivan “VANSKOR” Skorokhod and Artem “ARTES” Gorobey have parted ways with CIS Rejects. Both players have been with the team since it registered for the Frankfurt Major, prior to the first roster lock, in September.

CIS Rejects is a group of known CIS players who have been making strong waves in the Dota scene.

After The International 5, Team Empire bid farewell to Andrey “ALWAYSWANNAFLY”Bondarenko. Ivan “Gorec” Kartankov was parted ways with HellRaisers and Ivan“VANSKOR” Skorokhod left 4CL. They all joined the CIS Rejects squad.

Two weeks ago, the team took first place in the Game Show Global eSports Cup Season 1CIS Qualifier, at the Igromir Gaming Exhibition, and won The Summit 4 Open Qualifiers.

CIS Rejects were also recently invited to the Frankfurt Major European qualifier, but ended their run tied with Na`Vi for the last place in their group, losing to both Ninjas in Pyjamas and No Logic Gaming.

There has been no additional information regarding the future plans of Vanskor and Artes, but the team has indicated replacement news is forthcoming.

CIS Rejects roster:

  • Russian Federation Ivan “Gorec” Kartankov
  • Ukraine Bogdan “Iceberg” Vasilenko
  • Ukraine Andrey “ALWAYSWANNAFLY” Bondarenko


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