
Dread and MeTTpuM depart HellRaisers

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The ways of our organisation and two players of the Dota roster, Andrey «Dread» Golubev and Daniil «MeTTpuM» Gilev are parting.

HellRaisers.Dota: Big Alteration

Within a short period the roster of HellRaisers has already managed to try out their strength in a few tournaments, the results of which would not always match the ambitions of the organisation.

We have managed to gain a quota for SLTV StarSeries and the second place within the qualifiers for Global eSports Cup. The final episode was a fiasco at the qualifiers for The Frankfurt Major, after which the organisation has made a decision to change the roster. Telling it like it is we would say that it was Dread to create a certain atmosphere in the team's life with his tempering and character. 

HellRaisers are thankful to Daniil and Andrey for the efforts they would make to achieve the goals and the emotions they would bring to the fans.

Comment of  Valentin «valentiNich» Kravchenko, the team’s manager:

«We have claims on sports results of the team, but not on the people in it. I don't think that «this» was the only way out from the appeared situation, but this is not my choice. It is hard to take all this, since it was Andrey to stand at the origins of HellRaisers' Dota roster; it was also me to start working at that time. And it is always hard to part ways with the people you are so used to. But this is how it works and sometimes we just must move on. I hope that our ways will cross one day. The team itself will continue training with an eye toward the results, which our fans deserve».

The rest of the players will stay in the team and have already started an active search of substitutions. Life and Fight continue.

The current roster of  HR.Dota2:

  •  Andrey «Afoninje» Afonin
  •  Dulat «goddam» Seidimomyn
  •  Maksim «Shachlo» Abramovskikh


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