
Xcalibur and Ditya-Ra join No Logic Gaming, replacing hook-master and Nikobaby

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Ahead of the imminent Frankfurt Major Open Qualifiers, No Logic Gaming undergoes a major shakeup in their roster. Mohammed ‘hook-master’ Al-Sheik and Nikolay ‘Nikobaby’ Nikolov leave the team, and have been replaced by Steve ‘''Xcalibur''’ Ye and Dmitrii ‘Ditya-Ra’ Minenkov.

Just days after their 0:2 defeat at the hands of 5JuNGz, No Logic Gaming has changed up their roster in order to be better prepared for the Open Qualifiers for the Frankfurt Major, which start today. The team announced the change on their official Twitter account:

Nikolay 'Nikobaby' Nikolov and Mohammed 'hook-master' Al-Sheik depart the team, making space for Steve 'Xcalibur' Ye and Dmitrii 'Ditya-Ra' Minenkov. Ditya-Ra and Xcalibur are both well-known players, with Ditya-Ra playing most notably on Arcade.PowerRangers and Xcalibur first rising to prominence just before TI4 as a substitute for Fnatic.

While Ditya-Ra left Arcade.PowerRangers on the 29th of September, Xcalibur is currently listed as a substitute for (monkey) Business. This could cause a potential issue, as Valve’s policy regarding substitutes for the Frankfurt Major is unclear. According to the Majors Registration FAQ, once a player has accepted an invite to a team, “the player is a confirmed member of the Pro Team and is locked until prior to the next trade period”. Essentially “once a player accepts an invitation, the player cannot be removed from the team.” The next trade period will only begin after the conclusion of the Frankfurt Major on the 21st of November.

However, it is unclear whether a player is locked to a team as a substitute, and not as a main player. Valve will have to make this clear in a ruling on Xcalibur’s move. It is possible that the move may not be allowed, or (monkey) Business may be left looking for a new substitute ahead of the biggest tournament since The International 5.

The lineup for No Logic Gaming, assuming that there are no problems with Xcalibur’s move, is as follows:

With the addition of Xcalibur and Ditya-Ra to their squad, No Logic Gaming will look to have a strong showing in the Open Qualifiers, and potentially qualify for the Frankfurt Major. Their line-up contains considerable experience, so it is possible that the world could see No Logic Gaming’s name etched among those headed to Frankfurt this November.

Headline picture from gameinside.ua.

Source: No Logic Gaming Twitter, GosuGamers.

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