
Dota2 Fall Major: Compendium released ft. Tusk cosmetics

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The Fall Major's compendium has been released and can be purchased from the Dota2 store. Among the things featured in the compendium is a new Tusk item and exclusive treasure chests; the compendium also enables the user to take part in newly revamped coin system.

Two variations of the compendium are available on the Dota2 store, a level 1 compendium cost $3.99 and a level 25 compendium costing $9.99. Given the lack of stretch goals and no mention of the compendium contributing to the Fall Major's prize pool, the compendium will most likely not contribute to the Fall Major's prize pool, leaving it at a fixed $3,000,000.

The fall Major's compendium is similar to the TI5 compendium and will feature a level-based reward system and a system where coins can be exchanged for items. However, the fall Major's compendium will be adding a twist to both systems, allowing players to "wager their coins on the outcome of the match" to get more coins and adding an item which allows additional effects to be unlocked for items obtained from the compendium's treasure chest.

Source: GosuGamers.

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